
Weekend Favorites: dopamine menus, Ted Lasso and decluttering again

Weekend Wisdom:We donā€™t have to justify our rest anymore. We can just take take it.

Getting back to basics.

September always has a way of inviting me to get back to basics. About 20 years ago, I worked through Julia Cameronā€™s book, and I just started it again. It was transformative in allowing me to embrace creativity in my life and work. Iā€™m ready for some fresh, creative inspiration so Iā€™m doing it again. Iā€™m looking forward to a regular practice of morning pages and artistā€™s dates. Additionally, Iā€™m building three ritual days into each month. I tried to share this article in a recent email but messed something up, describing the three days.

Ok ā€¦ onto the favorites

to help you get off your phone and into your life.

Iā€™m so into Ted Lasso lately so that is making me smile.

to better laundry.

Create your own .

books connect us.

Currently reading .

is the German Fall Ritual You Need to Try ASAP

If your phone is a literal pain in your neck, .

decluttering again.

Finally ā€œWhat Not to Wearā€ has become

to hold on to.

And then remove things from .

to live.

If you feel overwhelmed, try some of these .

What one woman learned from getting rid of 99% of her stuff.

Maybe itā€™s time we start .

is so me! You too?

If you want to find the fall foliage, use this .

to help with basically everything.

For a 50% boost of time and energy, cut out these.


Todayā€™s Instagram favorite is from with a reminder that we can always treat ourselves with compassion.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of cozy time, simple living and kind conversations.



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One thought on “Weekend Favorites: dopamine menus, Ted Lasso and decluttering again

  1. Such an important topic, Keep up the awesome content! When I started my weight loss journey, I struggled much until I tried Diet-To-Go Meal Service. Their pre-portioned recipes saved me so much time and helped me stay on track. Your post reminded me how important this balance isā€”hereā€™s the link if it helps others.

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