
7 Daily Expectations that Often Drain 90 Percent of Our Peace and Joy

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”
— Bruce Lee

The biggest and most draining disappointments in our daily lives are often the result of misplaced expectations. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships and interactions with others. So don’t lower your standards, but do remember that removing your expectations of others is the best way to avoid being utterly disappointed and drained by them.

Which means it’s time to…
1. Stop expecting everyone to agree with you.

You deserve to find joy in your own way. You deserve to (more…)

Weekend Favorites: snowball decluttering method, the perfect nap and gratitude

Weekend Wisdom: Simplifying isn’t easy but it does make everything easier. Birthday hike. Last week I went out early to hike in one of my favorite spots. I’ve been keeping a 5-year journal for about a year and a half and seeing that last year on my birthday, I started my new year with this […]

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Weekend Favorites: what not to wear, 5 unhealthy habits to ditch and being lazy

Weekend Wisdom: When everything matters, nothing does. Space to read. Now that the writing and editing part of my new book Gentle is finished, I’m reading more than ever. One of my new favorite spots to daydream, read and relax is my backyard. It’s a little hot during the day but early mornings and evenings […]

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3 Daily Habits that Keep Holding 90 Percent of Us Back (Week After Week)

If it keeps you busy but will hold you back someday, it’s a distraction.

There’s a big difference between empty fatigue and gratifying exhaustion. Life is too short not to focus more on what matters most. And life is definitely too short for habits and routines that keep you stuck in a cycle of feeling like you’re a day late and a dollar short. So today, let’s discuss three incredibly common patterns of behavior that keep the majority of us (myself included for several years) stuck in that cycle, week after week.
1. We keep trying to overcome the odds in an unsupportive environment.

No matter how strong you are, and no matter how much determination and willpower you have, if you keep yourself positioned in an environment that works against your best intentions, you will eventually succumb to that environment.

This is where so many of us make life-altering (more…)

40 Quotes for Letting Go and Coping With the Things You Can’t Control

The goal each and every day is to gradually grow stronger on the inside, so that less and less on the outside can affect your inner wellness without your conscious permission.

Truth be told, how you cope with unexpected problems and frustrations can easily be the difference between living a good life and living an unhealthy one. If you choose unhealthy coping mechanisms like avoidance or denial, for example, you can quickly turn a tough situation into a tragic one. And sadly, this is a common mistake many people make.

When you find yourself facing a disheartening reality, your first reaction might be (more…)

10 Life Choices We Will All Regret in 10 Years if We Aren’t Careful

“If only…” Those two words paired together create one of the saddest phrases in the English language.

In the end, more than anything else, we regret the small chances we didn’t take, the priceless opportunities we were too busy to nurture, and the good decisions we waited too long to make. Angel and I have learned this over the past 15 years from the countless hours we’ve spent coaching hundreds of clients, students, and live event attendees from around the world. The exact same regrets pop up in the personal stories people share with us, time after time.

Here are ten incredibly common and specific life choices that ultimately lead to that “If only…” phrase of regret, and how to elude them on the average day:
1. Letting others tell us what we are worth.

We tend to forget that most people judge us based on (more…)

8 Mistakes We Make Over and Over that Make Us Feel Unhappy

Sometimes, things that are out of our control that can make us feel unhappy. The good news is that there are plenty of things in our lives that we can look at and change to live a happier life. There are some mistakes we make over and over again that we can avoid as we […]

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10 Little Tips To Help You Keep Your Cool

Whether it’s hot outside or you are feeling hot on the inside, the ten little tips below will help you keep your cool. It’s hot outside and I’m not just talking about the weather. From the temperature to comments on the internet, relationship mistakes to breaking news (and everything in between), it makes sense that […]

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6 Good Reasons to Stop Proving Yourself to Everyone Else

You won’t find your worth entirely in someone else — you’ll find it in yourself, and then you will attract those who are worthy of your energy.

Sometimes we try to show the world we are flawless in hopes that we will be liked and accepted by everyone, but we can’t please everyone and we shouldn’t try. The beauty of us lies in our vulnerability, our complex emotions, and our authentic imperfections. When we embrace who we are and decide to be authentic, instead of who we think others want us to be, we open ourselves up to real relationships, lasting happiness, and inner peace.

There’s no need to put on an act every day. There’s no need to pretend to be someone you’re not. You have nothing to continuously prove. And if you catch yourself doing so, remind yourself…
1. It’s important to honor your own feelings and boundaries.

When you run into someone who discredits you, disrespects you, or treats you poorly for no apparent reason at all, don’t (more…)

67 Things To Declutter And Let Go Of This Summer

If you want to declutter and let go of things, consistency is more important than intensity. It probably took years or decades to accumulate your clutter so give yourself time, patience and grace as you declutter and let go of it. If you only let go of one or two items a day for the […]

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