
Weekend Favorites: cut cleaning time by 70%, organize photos and microadventures

Weekend Wisdom: Noticing and celebrating what you love makes it easier to release what you don’t.

Under the stars with Norah Jones.

(photo credit )

I hope you’ve had a lovely week and are looking forward to these Weekend Favorites to enjoy with a coffee, tea, smoothie or whatever you are enjoying this morning. I want to bring to your attention was written by my dear friend, Rachel. in NYC and she recently shared her heartbreaking/heart-healing story of letting go after five years of IVF. Her story really moved me and I know it will move you too. Her experience reminds all of us that even though it may be painful, letting go is still possible. She says, “Sometimes, though, letting go of something feels like a sticky, tense breath in my chest that holds a memory for ransom: a micro-trauma that my body isn’t ready to release yet. It hurts to keep it and it hurts to relinquish it. Often, these are the objects that I shove deep down into a random drawer and when I come upon them, it’s a gut-punch from my past.” You can .

 onto the favorites

I want to watch this again, and this, oh and this too of course.

finally let go of your clothes.

I’m surprised we are still arguing about .

to organize your photos.

Currently reading .

My love of Nancy Meyer’s movie made me share .

made me cry too!

When you are simplifying your life,

may help you sleep better.

Wow, these kids are &t=4s" Wicked singers.

you must abandon for a simpler life.

A dear friend wrote this beautiful after years of IVF.

How to cut screen time by 80%. (I adored this video)

Need a happiness boost? Try one of these .

you may have taken minimalism too far.

The soothing you need to weave into your workday.

give your kids what technology can’t.

Stay healthy while traveling with

of selfcare.

Please stop wearing these (at any age).


Today’s Instagram favorite is from with a beautiful reminder for all of us.

I hope you enjoy this edition of August Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of rare moments, love and connections.


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