
Weekend Favorites: cut cleaning time by 70%, organize photos and microadventures

Weekend Wisdom: Noticing and celebrating what you love makes it easier to release what you don’t. Under the stars with Norah Jones. (photo credit @beautifuldetour) I hope you’ve had a lovely week and are looking forward to these Weekend Favorites to enjoy with a coffee, tea, smoothie or whatever you are enjoying this morning. One [

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3 Wake-Up Calls for Those Days When You’re Overwhelmed (and Unsure of What to Do Next)

“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.” — Catherynne M. Valente Ever feel a little overwhelmed? Or really overwhelmed? This quick read is for YOU
 Once upon a time there was a man who had been lost in the desert for three whole days without water. Just as he was about to collapse, he saw [

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10 Wake-Up Calls for Days When You Lose Your Motivation (and You’re Unsure About Everything)

“Head up, heart open. To better days!” — T.F. Hodge Struggling to find your motivation? Feeling unsure or uneasy about the next steps? There are just a few things you need to know right now. This quick read is for YOU
 Once upon a time there was a woman in her mid-sixties who noticed that [

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Please Stop Wearing These 3 Things (at any age)

You’ve seen the articles answering questions like 
 “What should I stop wearing after 25?” or “What should stop wearing in my 40s or 50s?” or “Should a 70 year old woman wear leggings?” or “How should I dress according to my age?” Ugh! We are asking and answering the wrong questions. If we continue [

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10 Painfully Obvious Truths About Life Everyone Forgets All the Time

The truth does not vanish when it is forgotten or ignored. You know how you can hear something a hundred times in different ways before it finally gets through to you? The ten truths about life discussed here fall firmly into that category — timeless lessons most of us likely learned years ago, and have [

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40 Meaningful Questions to Calm the Mind and Boost Your Focus

Asking the right questions is often the answer. In a recent email newsletter I wrote, “Calm your mind today. Don’t just think outside the box; think like there is no box.” And to my surprise, 97 people quoted that line and responded with the same general question: “How?” I’ve spent the morning thinking about how [

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10 Daily Habits that Often Waste 90 Percent of Our Time, Energy, and Potential

Patience is not about waiting, it’s the ability to maintain a positive outlook while working hard for what you believe in. Have you ever told yourself that you’re going to make something happen and then nothing happened? All details aside, it’s because you didn’t have the right habits in place — the little things you [

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20 Essential Things to Start Doing for Your Own Peace and Happiness

Patience isn’t about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard for what you believe in. As you move through the days and weeks ahead, remind yourself that it takes roughly 66 days to form a habit on average. So for the next nine and a half weeks, consciously leverage the [

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8 Things You Will Regret Not Letting Go of Sooner in Your Life

Oftentimes you don’t even realize you’re blocking your own present blessings by holding on to everything so tightly. It’s always necessary to accept when some part of your life has reached its inevitable end. Closing the door, completing the chapter, turning the page, etc. It doesn’t matter what you title it; what matters is that [

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10 Daily Habits that Often Drain 90 Percent of Our Joy and Inner Peace

You ultimately become what you repeatedly do. If your habits aren’t helping you, they’re hurting you. Here are some fairly common and widespread examples of the latter that will drain all your joy and inner peace, if you let them: 1. Focusing on how life “should” be every step of the way. Try to use [

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