
Weekend Favorites: what not to wear, 5 unhealthy habits to ditch and being lazy

Weekend Wisdom: When everything matters, nothing does.

Space to read.

Now that the writing and editing part of my new book Gentle is finished, I’m reading more than ever. One of my new favorite spots to daydream, read and relax is my backyard. It’s a little hot during the day but early mornings and evenings are both lovely times for a little walk or to get lost in a new book.

Ok … onto the favorites

I’ve been feeling lighter and more free since I decided not to wear this anymore.

10 little tips to help you keep your cool.

It may be time for warning labels on social media.

The pleasure of being left alone.

Enjoy this cool down playlist.

How to fight the weariness.

Forgot where you put the keys? Try these memory boosting tips.

The last episode of the Soul & Wit Podcast (for now).

If you struggle to fall asleep, try this 12-minute meditation and body scan.

The daily habits of happiness experts.

I’m so happy for her.

8 mistakes we make over and over again that make us feel unhappy.

When you are ready for cuteness overload, watch this.

The importance of begin lazy.

Unlock your best life by ditching these 5 unhealthy habits.

Great advice on how to deal with those cords and cables you think you might need.

I just finished reading this book and started this one.

This will always be one of my favorite things about simplifying my life.

9 unbelievable secrets about New York City.

Learn to read poetry with this guide for beginners.

Our mistaken ideas about what makes us happy.

Get your bags and boxes ready for this full house declutter.

6 common fears about starting therapy.

If you want to simplify your entire life, let go of these 67 things


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @aolanow with a reminder to celebrate the very moment you recognize that something has to change.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of rest, joy and space to read and daydream. .


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