
Weekend Favorites: snowball decluttering method, the perfect nap and gratitude

Weekend Wisdom: Simplifying isn’t easy but it does make everything easier.

Birthday hike.

Last week I went out early to hike in one of my favorite spots. I’ve been keeping a 5-year journal for about a year and a half and seeing that last year on my birthday, I started my new year with this hike inspired me to do it again. It’s a new tradition! Oh also, we made it to the halfway point of the 30-day Decluttering Challenge! Join in anytime.

Ok … onto the favorites

10 tiny tasks to help you declutter your home.

A wonderful chat with a romance novelist.

Paper plants.

Stop worrying about work on vacation. Here’s how.

Sweet songs for sunny days.

If you want to stop fearing and avoiding boredom, tune in here.

Please do this for yourself.

The Black Barbie documentary trailer makes me want to watch.

How to simplify anything.

Finally declutter your home once and for all with these 16 steps.

What I wore this week.

Instead of reacting, try responding.

For this reason, I want to get lost in the clouds.

How to use the snowball decluttering method.

Something to think about.

Currently reading this.

This too.

Letting go of sentimental items.

How to take the perfect nap.

Have a little fun and watch this.

Gratitude really is good for you.

Live a happier life by releasing these 9 things.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @mynames_ellen because we all need to remember these things are okay.

I hope you enjoy this edition of summer Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of rest, love and play.


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