
21 Simplicity Quotes to Help You Simplify Your Life

Use these simplicity quotes for inspiration, motivation, laughter and relief. They will make you smile and help you stay focused on what’s important as you embrace a simpler life. If you want to simplify your life, surround yourself with inspiration and support from books and blogs to quotes and notes. When I make a big change in my life, I surround myself with those things. For instance, when I was simplifying my finances and paying off tens of thousands of dollars in debt, I read about money, I followed blogs about becoming debt-free and saved my favorite debt-free quotes and sayings so I was constantly reminded about the change I wanted to make.

I simplified every area of my life including:

  • clutter
  • work
  • busyness
  • self-care
  • relationships
  • time
  • space
  • energy

Now I share what I’ve learned and what inspires me , on and . Even though I’m still learning, throughout my simplicity journey, words of wisdom have made a big difference. They gave me conviction to keep going, reminding me that I wasn’t alone on my mission to simplify every part of my life. Funny notes and quotes about simplicity and decluttering helped me too. It was good to remind myself that I didn’t have to be so serious.

If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to , ask yourself, “What do I want less of in my life?” and “What do I want more of in my life?” The answers to the these questions will help you know where to start. If you still aren’t sure, take a look at the different elements of your life and identify what causes you the most stress. It might be clutter, health, money, work, relationships or something else. It may even be all of those (it was for me) but still one was always the most stressful. Simplifying the most stressful thing naturally removes stress from the other stuff too.

What are three steps you would take to simplify your life?

Before you read the simplicity quotes, consider how you might want to simplify your life today. Here are a few places to start.

  1. Simplify your routines. We all have daily routines, such as getting dressed, making breakfast, and getting ready for the day. Try to streamline your routines by creating a morning and evening checklist. This will save you time and energy, and help you start and end your day on a more positive note.
  2. Reduce your possessions. Our homes are often filled with possessions that we don’t really need or use. Consider getting rid of anything that you don’t use or enjoy, or that no longer serves a purpose. This can include old books, unused kitchen gadgets, and duplicates of items that you already own. By reducing your possessions, you will have less to clean and maintain, and more space to enjoy.
  3. Prioritize your relationships. Our relationships with others can be a source of joy and fulfillment, but they can also be a source of stress and frustration. Take some time to evaluate your relationships, and prioritize those that are positive, supportive, and meaningful. Let go of relationships that are toxic, draining, or unfulfilling. This will give you more time and energy to invest in the relationships that truly matter.

These simplicity quotes and notes will speak to you whether your are , slowing your schedule, prioritizing self-care and/or setting boundaries with others (or yourself). May they provide inspiration, motivation and even some relief to know you are not alone when you bump up against things when letting go and changing your lifestyle.

21 Simplicity Quotes to Help You Simplify Your Life






















As you simplify your life, be gentle with yourself. It takes time. What I’ve discovered over the last decade and especially the last few years is that we don’t have to fix everything within us or around us, and when we do want to make a change, the more, better, harder, faster approach causes more damage. Treat yourself like you would treat a good friend, celebrate your progress even if it’s small progress and resist the urge to pick apart all of the things you could have done better.

If any of these simplicity quotes resonate with you, screenshot and turn them into phone wallpaper or write them down on a sticky note. Use them to inspire your next tiny steps or to cheer you on when . A few simplicity quotes or notes can really make a difference on your simplicity journey and help you simplify your life.

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