
Simplify Your Closet by Eliminating these 33 Annoying Things

If you want to simplify your closet, dress with less and save your time and energy for something other than answering the question, “what am I going to wear today?” or if you often find yourself thinking, “I have nothing to wear” this list of 33 annoying things to eliminate from your closet will help. This isn’t an article about what to wear. It’s about letting go of the things you never wear anyway to create a little peace in your life.

These 33 annoying things are annoying for two reasons. The first is that you probably aren’t wearing them anyway. Instead they sit in your closet and steal your closet space, attention span and other resources. The second reason is that even though you don’t wear them most of the time, they are still emotionally charged meaning they make you feel lots of negative emotions.

Before you simplify your closet, you might feel:

  • Angry because you spent too much money on things you don’t wear.
  • Guilty because you don’t know how you let it get this bad.
  • Sad because some items remind you of sad things.
  • Frustrated because you took so much time finding the ‘perfect’ thing only to discover that after washing it, it wasn’t perfect anymore.
  • Overwhelmed because even though you don’t wear most of the stuff in your closet, it’s hard to let it go.

I’ve removed most of these annoying things to simplify my own closet. When I decided to simplify and eliminate a bunch of stress from my life, I had no idea that my closet clutter was stressful. I knew there was stress in my life, in the way I managed money (not well) and that stress was in my schedule and in my job, but my wardrobe? I thought my clothes and more specifically, my shopping for clothes reduced stress. I rarely shopped because I needed new clothes, but instead shopped to feel better, to relieve the pain of boredom and the pain of working a job I didn’t enjoy, and because I honestly believed that new shoes would make me happier. As I was simplifying my closet, I wasn’t making room for new outfits and handbags. and ease.

Is it time for a total closet cleanout?

From work clothes to items you bought to from fashion trends gone by, you may have pairs of shoes, old t-shirts or even new items on hangers that you never wear still waiting in your closet. Instead of closet organizers, storage solutions and bins or even new clothes to simplify your closet, I recommend bags and cardboard boxes to get that pair of jeans or bridesmaid dress packed up for donations. Use for a practical closet clean out.

If you are really ready to make some space in your closet, instead of organizing your clothes, get rid of most of them. I recommend using the Project 333 challenge to help you pare down without the stress of letting everything go. Remove and hide everything except for 33 items including clothing, jewelry, accessories and shoes for three months. You’ll find some simple tips to help you get started and .

Simplify Your Closet by Eliminating these 33 Annoying Things

If you aren’t ready to dress with only 33 items or feel overwhelmed by the idea of , why not slow down, be gentle and go at your own pace? Instead of removing all but 33 items, start by removing only 33 items. Consider it the reverse Project 333.

  1. That formal outfit (bridesmaid dress) you bought for one occasion promising yourself you’d wear it again.
  2. Those super cute shoes that you can’t walk in.
  3. Clothes with sentimental value that don’t fit. Take a picture.
  4. Sentimental items that make you sad.
  5. The warm coat you don’t wear.
  6. Your ex-anyone’s anything.
  7. Your clothes that you are saving for your children.
  8. Aspirational items, things you would never wear in your real life but would in another life.
  9. Items that need to go to the dry cleaner that never get to the dry cleaner.
  10. Items that need to go to the tailor that never get to the tailor.
  11. Clothes that don’t belong to you. Give them back.
  12. Christmas sweaters that you don’t even wear to the Christmas sweater party anymore.
  13. Things that other people bought for you but you don’t enjoy wearing.
  14. Something you bought because you thought it would be pleasing to someone else.
  15. Clothing or shoes that always leave a mark or blister.
  16. Cheap things. Just because it was a good deal doesn’t make it worth keeping.
  17. Expensive things. Just because you spent a lot on it doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever.
  18. Clothes you bought on vacation that you don’t wear where you live.
  19. Anything with a stain that won’t come out.
  20. Things with rips or holes that aren’t supposed to be there.
  21. Extra purses and handbags.
  22. Clothing that irritates your skin.
  23. Things that don’t fit your body.
  24. Things that don’t fit your lifestyle.
  25. Sequins and sparkles if you prefer simple and subtle.
  26. Simple and subtle if you prefer sequins and sparkles.
  27. That shirt you bought in every color even though you always wear the black one.
  28. Stuff with price tags still attached.
  29. Clothes that make you feel bad for any reason.
  30. Items you bought because they were “your color” and you hate that color.
  31. Anything you haven’t worn in more than 1-3 years.
  32. Something you feel guilty about letting go of. When you let go, the guilt will go with it.
  33. Anything already in the donation bag. .

You might only have a few of these items in your closet or maybe you have all of them. Decide which ones annoy you the most and start with those. You’ll be creating closet space and heart space.

4 questions to ask when simplifying your closet.

If you struggle to let go, approach your closet more gently. Play some nice music, drink water and as you consider each item, ask these questions.

  1. Do I wear this (like ever)? Yes – keep. No – donate.
  2. Would I buy this item today? Yes – keep. No – donate.
  3. Does this item fit my body AND my lifestyle today? Yes – keep. No – donate.
  4. Am I holding on because I feel bad, sad or guilty? Yes – donate. No – keep.

I’d love to know if there are other items you’d add to this list of annoying things in your closet!

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