
22 Self-Care Quotes to Encourage Your Health and Healing

Use these self-care quotes for inspiration, permission to take good care and encouragement for your health and healing. They will make you smile and help you stay focused on what’s important as you take care and feel better. We know by now that shortcuts don’t work. You can’t rush or avoid taking care of yourself without dire circumstances. In my book, Soulful Simplicity I wrote that we can’t shop, drink or busy our way out of feeling what we we feel.

We can’t escape ourselves and the sooner we realize that we don’t have to fix our feelings, the sooner we can notice that for the most part, they come and go. Some need our attention. Some don’t. And the ones that do need our attention don’t need us to numb them or shove them down, they simply ask us to take care. When it is time to take action, consider something soothing, comforting and healthy to try. Here’s a list of self-care ideas to consider from .

Simplifying is self care too. My entire simplicity journey started after I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006. Now I share what I’ve learned and what inspires me , on and . Even though I’m still learning, throughout my simplicity journey, words of wisdom have made a big difference. They gave me conviction to keep going, reminding me that I wasn’t alone. Notes and self-care quotes helped me too. It was good to remind myself that I was allowed to put myself first.

If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to self-care and prioritizing yourself ask yourself, “What is the gentlest thing I can do for myself right now?” or  “What can I do today that my future self will thank me for tomorrow, next week or another time in the future?” The answers to the these questions will help you know where to start.

If you aren’t used to putting self-care first, you might feel guilty or think self care is a selfish act but don’t let those feelings get in the way. As you heal and feel better, they will fade. When you experience the benefits of consistent self care, you’ll know your self-care efforts are not a luxury, they are a necessity. When you take good care of you, you can take good care of your family, friends and the things you care about.

How to enjoy and engage in these self-care quotes.

Before you read the self-care quotes, think about how you can implement them in your daily life. How can you make them important.

  1. Write your own permission slips. Turn these quotes for care, kindness and self healing into action by writing your own permission slips. Give yourself permission to take time for yourself, to enjoy simple pleasures, to protect your emotional energy, time and overall wellbeing and to think about what is best for you.
  2. Remind your loves to take care too. Share this post or screen shot a self-care quote you know will resonate with someone you love. Share on social media and in other ways to give your community permission to take care. We all need to encourage each other.
  3. Turn each self-care quote into tiny steps. Think about turning these quotes and your self-care into tiny steps so you don’t get overwhelmed by doing too much. Keeping things slow and small will help you build new habits.

22 Self-Care Quotes to Help You Simplify Your Life

These self-care quotes and notes will speak to you whether your are recovering from burnout, struggling with a new diagnosis, or simply trying to take better care of yourself. If some of them don’t resonate with you, let them go and find ones that do. You may even find that you need different quotes for different times. Self-care is not a waste of time, in fact it may be the best use of time there is.






















Self-care means taking deep breaths, prioritizing a pause, having self compassion, soothing your soul and deciding how you want to treat yourself in this very moment. If any of these simplicity quotes resonate with you, take a screenshot and turn them into phone wallpaper or write them down on a sticky note. Use them to inspire your next tiny steps or to cheer you on when you are creating new self-care habits.

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