
Draw Your Aura With Me!

In this video, the host guides viewers through an exercise to draw their aura. The host explains the materials needed and encourages viewers to tap into their energy and intuition while drawing. They discuss the connection between colors and chakras, but emphasize that interpretations may vary. The host encourages viewers to sit with their drawings and explore any energies or intentions that arise. The video concludes with a preview of future activities.

June 27, 2024

How To: Manifest with Water

In this video, the creator discusses the topic of manifestation and provides tips on how to manifest effectively. They share personal examples and suggest manifesting small, insignificant things to build confidence and increase success. They emphasize the importance of shifting perception, letting go of attachment and expectation, and using techniques like quantum linking and writing down manifestations. The creator also mentions the two glasses method and the benefits of separating oneself from external negative influences. Overall, the video provides insights and techniques to help viewers manifest their desires.

June 27, 2024