
How To Finally Let Go of Your Clothes and Create a Tiny Wardrobe

If you’ve been dreaming about the ease of a tiny wardrobe or just thinking about cleaning out your closet for a really long time, get ready! This article will help you finally let go of your clothes. No matter how long you’ve waited, or what has gotten in the way, let tiny steps be your [

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11 Old-Fashioned Relationship Habits We Should Start Bringing Back

Love is great when spoken, but greatest when shown. Do little things daily to show your loved ones you care. Yesterday afternoon I was sitting on a park bench in the early afternoon when an elderly couple pulled their car up under a nearby oak tree. They rolled down the windows and turned up some [

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10 Wake-Up Calls for Days When You Lose Your Motivation (and You’re Unsure About Everything)

“Head up, heart open. To better days!” — T.F. Hodge Struggling to find your motivation? Feeling unsure or uneasy about the next steps? There are just a few things you need to know right now. This quick read is for YOU
 Once upon a time there was a woman in her mid-sixties who noticed that [

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8 Things You Will Regret Not Letting Go of Sooner in Your Life

Oftentimes you don’t even realize you’re blocking your own present blessings by holding on to everything so tightly. It’s always necessary to accept when some part of your life has reached its inevitable end. Closing the door, completing the chapter, turning the page, etc. It doesn’t matter what you title it; what matters is that [

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Please Stop Wearing These 3 Things (at any age)

You’ve seen the articles answering questions like 
 “What should I stop wearing after 25?” or “What should stop wearing in my 40s or 50s?” or “Should a 70 year old woman wear leggings?” or “How should I dress according to my age?” Ugh! We are asking and answering the wrong questions. If we continue [

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10 Daily Habits that Often Drain 90 Percent of Our Joy and Inner Peace

You ultimately become what you repeatedly do. If your habits aren’t helping you, they’re hurting you. Here are some fairly common and widespread examples of the latter that will drain all your joy and inner peace, if you let them: 1. Focusing on how life “should” be every step of the way. Try to use [

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10 Painfully Obvious Truths About Life Everyone Forgets All the Time

The truth does not vanish when it is forgotten or ignored. You know how you can hear something a hundred times in different ways before it finally gets through to you? The ten truths about life discussed here fall firmly into that category — timeless lessons most of us likely learned years ago, and have [

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3 Daily Habits that Often Drain 90 Percent of Our True Potential in Life (Week After Week)

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” As you age you will learn to value your time, genuine relationships, meaningful work, and peace of mind, much more. Little else will matter. Deep down you know that already, right? Yet on most days, just like [

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40 Quotes for Calming the Mind When You Are at a Crossroads in Life

It happens to all of us gradually as we live and grow. We discover more about who we are and the way life is, and then we realize there are some changes we need to make. The lifestyle we’ve been living no longer fits. The environments and relationships we once found comfort in no longer [

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10 Mindful Ways to Remain Calm When Others Get Out of Control

You can’t calm the storm. What you can do is calm yourself, and the storm will gradually pass. Over the past decade, there’s a way of being I’ve gradually been cultivating in myself — I’ve been taming my tendency to get riled up and argue with people when their behavior doesn’t match my expectations. As [

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